Steam Boilers – A Complete Scale & Corrosion Inhibitor
Boiler Water Treatment Chemical Solutions
Nikor – Fit Boiler water treatment chemicals get the boiler water chemistry correct in order to protect the boiler system, control corrosion in the feed tank and the condensate return lines.

Nikor’s advanced boiler water treatment chemicals have been ideally designed to improve the efficiency of industrial boiler systems and steam generation units in many commercial, manufacturing and industrial processes. To ensure the maintenance and operation at optimum efficiency of boiler systems at all times, Nikor Fit chemicals to be dosed in to the feed water with correct timing and dosage.
Nikor-Fit Steam Boiler
water treatment solutions is a complete
chemical solution
- Prevents formation of scale and corrosion
- Contains alkalinity builder and catalyst for quick reaction
- Offers convenience as a multipurpose program
- Acts as an oxygen scavenger and metal passivator for boiler systems
- Helps maintain high steam purity at higher cycles of concentration
FitSteam 456
A complete Scale & Corrosion Inhibitor for Steam Boilers
FitSteam 456 is a high – performance water treatment product that serves as a scale and corrosion inhibitor. It is formulated with a blend of vegetable tannin extracts, alkalis, and polymers. FitSteam 456 is specifically designed to prevent corrosion, scaling, and fouling in hot water and chilled water systems. Additionally, FitSteam 456 can be used as a single drum program in low-pressure steam boilers, particularly in waters with high non – alkaline hardness, low alkaline hardness, low CO2 content, and low silica levels.FitSteam 456 is suitable for use with ferrous and cuprous materials, and it can be cautiously used in systems with galvanized steel. However, it is not suitable for systems containing aluminum.

FitSteam 456 is a comprehensive chemical treatment program designed for steam boilers and coil generators to effectively protect against scale and corrosion formation. It consists of an oxygen scavenger with catalyzed sulphite, as well as a blend of conditioning chemicals that serve as scale preventers and sludge dispersants. FitSteam 456 can be dosed directly from the drum or can be diluted with softened water. The dosage rate, however, should be determined based on the feed temperature and makeup water conditions.
Nikor Fit All in One Boiler Chemical is a combination of all the essentials required to properly treat a steam boiler and is designed to simplify your chemical selection.
Recommend to use a chemical injection quill with a check valve to inject the chemical near the centre of the feed water pipe, steam header, or feed water tank. This will ensure good mixture of your chemical. For systems, that were not designed with the correct number of chemical injection ports, please refer to our triple port chemical injection quills and dual port chemical injection quills.